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Method for determination of niobium content in Ti45Nb alloy
Release time:2023/09/14 10:29:48

The method of determining niobium content in aviation material Ti45Nb alloy is to dissolve insoluble 

test material with mixed acid of hydrochloric acid, nitric acid and hydrofluoric acid. In hydrofluoric 

acid medium, titanium and aluminum ions are formed stable complex by hydrofluoric acid, niobium 

and tetraphenylarsenic chloride hydrochloride are completely precipitated, and trace magnesium ions 

are soluble precipitated. Tartaric acid is used to prevent the precipitation of hydrated oxides of high-priced 

metal ions, after filtration, the magnesium precipitation is washed and dissolved, and finally the precipitation 

is dried, ash, and burned into niobium pentaoxide, and the niobium content in the alloy is calculated 

by weighing and calculating. The method of the invention has an alloy material with a mass fraction 

of 40.0% ~ 50.0% that can determine the niobium content. It has the advantages of simple operation,

high accuracy, small error and good stability.

The method of ion exchange separation-gravimetric determination of niobium content is to separate

niobium from iron, nickel and other metal elements when the sample solution of hydrofluoric acid and

hydrochloric acid containing niobium is passed through a strong basic anion exchange column. After 

adding boric acid to the niobium eluent, niobium is quantitatively precipitated with copper-iron reagent 

in the hydrochloric acid medium, and then it is burned into niobium pentoxide, weighed and the mass 

fraction of niobium is calculated. However, this method has the following problems: 1, this method is 

only suitable for the determination of niobium content in alloy steel, superalloy and precision alloy; 2, the 

ion exchange steps are complicated, practical is not very strong; 3. It is difficult to hide and separate high 

titanium content.

The method for the determination of niobium content in Ti45Nb titanium alloy by tetraphenylarsenic 

chloride hydrochloride gravimetric method is as follows: The insoluble test material was dissolved with 

hydrochloric acid, nitric acid and hydrofluoric acid. In the hydrofluoric acid medium of 9mol/L ~ 12mol/L, 

titanium and aluminum ions were formed into stable complexes by hydrofluoric acid, niobium and 

tetraphenyl-arsenic-chloride hydrochloride were precipitated completely, and trace magnesium ions 

formed soluble precipitates. Tartaric acid is used to prevent the precipitation of hydrated oxides of high-priced 

metal ions. After filtration, the magnesium precipitation is washed and dissolved. The precipitation is dried, 

ash, and burned into niobium pentoxide, weighed and calculated.To provide accurate chemical element 

composition data for production control and scientific research, guide the research direction, and ensure 

the quality of aviation products. The invention can determine the niobium content of 40.00% ~ 50.00%(m/m) 

in Ti45Nb titanium alloy, and the detection error is ±0.15%.